Prostitution Defense Lawyer in Houston Assisting Those in Need of Criminal Defense
Houston, Texas law takes prostitution crimes very seriously in all circumstances. And if the alleged offense involves a minor, the state takes it even more seriously. Prostitution charges can be stressful, embarrassing, and damaging to your reputation to your friends, family, and potential employers. A Houston prostitution attorney can help you build the best defense to win your case.
A Houston prostitution lawyer will investigate the circumstances surrounding your case, analyze the situation, and fight to get a favorable resolution in your case. Speaking to a Houston prostitution defense lawyer when you need it most can help you create a plan to protect your rights and reputation.
What are the Prostitution Laws in Houston?
In Houston, according to Texas prostitution laws it is illegal to purposely solicit sex or agree to receive payment from another to engage in a sex act. It is likewise unlawful to intentionally offer or agree to pay another to engage in a sexual act, whether it is with that person or another person. Payment can be money or anything of value. The promotion of prostitution and soliciting prostitution are both illegal according to Texas law.
The term prostitution combines traditional notions of both prostitution and solicitation. In other words, both the so-called prostitute and the person paying for sexual conduct commit the same criminal offense. Also, be aware, no physical contact or any sexual conduct needs to occur for someone to be charged by law enforcement. As long as the person allegedly offers to pay or receives payment in exchange for sexual conduct, they can face charges.
When is Prostitution Considered a Misdemeanor?
A prostitution charge generally is a Class B misdemeanor. If convicted of a Class B misdemeanor, it can result in a maximum jail sentence of 180 days and a maximum fine of $2,000. That said, even a misdemeanor prostitution conviction can appear on background checks by employers and landlords for years to come. Being convicted of promoting prostitution or soliciting prostitution can stay with you for years.
As is the case with most criminal offenses, repeat charges may be more serious, accompanied by a more severe punishment. A second or third prostitution offense is typically charged as a Class A misdemeanor. If convicted of a Class A misdemeanor, it may result in up to one year in jail and up to a $4,000 fine.
When is Prostitution Considered a Felony?
Prostitution isn’t always a misdemeanor, in some cases a prostitution charge can be a felony. For example, for someone with a criminal record of three or more previous prostitution convictions, the charge increases to a felony and can result in state prison. This prison sentence can range from 180 days to two years, and include a $10,000 fine.
And that’s not all, if the subject to whom the individual allegedly is soliciting prostitution from is under the age of 18, then the offense immediately becomes a second-degree felony. Whether the individual was aware the person was under the age of 18 or not doesn’t matter. A second-degree felony conviction may result in a prison sentence of up to 20 years and a fine of up to $10,000.
Can an Experienced Prostitution Attorney Really Create a Compelling Prostitution Defense for Me?
If you are facing prostitution charges, you need to have a clear grasp on the severity of the situation and the potential punishment for a conviction. A Houston criminal defense lawyer could explain the charges against you and look closely at all available options for resolving the matter as efficiently and positively as possible. Protect your future by contacting the Law Office of Michael H. Pham at (713) 236-7791.