Nondisclosure Lawyer in Houston Can Help Get Your Criminal Record Sealed
Texas is actually a state that helps individuals have the record of his or her arrest, charge, and probation “sealed” after successful completion of probation through a petition for order of nondisclosure. It even allows the individual to deny that the arrest and charge ever occurred. Now that online criminal background searches are the main way of researching a potential employee, a nondisclosure order can save your job, even when you are not eligible to fully clear your criminal records. That said, the process of getting your record sealed is more complex than you might think, and having a nondisclosure lawyer at your side to help you navigate it is one of the best decisions you can make.
What is Deferred Adjudication Probation?
Someone finding out about your criminal record while running a background check can have a negative effect on your ability to get hired, attend school, or get a loan. If you’ve ever had an interaction with the police, you may have a criminal record and not even know it. Completion of deferred adjudication probation, even if your charges were eventually dismissed, will not automatically eliminate the charge from your personal record. You’ll want to know exactly what’s on your record, then work with a seasoned nondisclosure lawyer to get your record sealed.
What Offenses are Eligible for Nondisclosure?
For the vast majority of misdemeanors, an individual can file for nondisclosure as soon as probation is completed and the charges have been dropped. That said, every situation is unique and some misdemeanors require the individual to wait two years from the time the charges are dismissed to seal the record. During this period, the individual must not have been in trouble with the law at all, aside from maybe a traffic citation. For a felony charge, the defendant will have to wait at least five years from the date the charges are dropped to file for nondisclosure. There are also certain major crimes that cannot ever be sealed, such as murder or aggravated kidnapping, or if the defendant is a registered sex offender. The best way to find out if you’re eligible for nondisclosure is to contact a reputable nondisclosure attorney who can look at your criminal history and give much-needed legal advice.
What are the Benefits of an Order of Nondisclosure?
In addition to other positives, an individual who is granted an order of nondisclosure in Houston may deny having ever been arrested or charged for the crime. An order of nondisclosure does not, however, require the government to destroy the information entirely. Criminal justice agencies and various law enforcement agencies may still access it. That said, private companies won’t be able to see your previous offenses or use them against you if you have a court-issued order of nondisclosure. This can be a game-changer when it comes to seeking out new jobs or applying to schools. A mark on your criminal record can stick with you for life, seek out a nondisclosure lawyer today and get your criminal history sealed.
Should I Hire a Nondisclosure Lawyer?
Were your charges dismissed? You were found “not guilty”? There are many situations in which you may qualify to have your criminal record sealed by an order of nondisclosure. The criminal justice system is tricky, but a seasoned criminal defense lawyer can analyze your record and walk you through every step of the way. Contact the Law Office of Michael H. Pham at (713) 236-7791 to start working on getting your personal record sealed and start over fresh.